
Wedding Day Gallery

Meet Vivi Lin: Your Dream Wedding Photographer

Are you in search of the perfect wedding photographer to capture the most beautiful moments of your special day? Look no further! Vivi will never disappoint you.

About Vivi Lin:

Vivi Lin is not just a photographer; she is a storyteller with a camera. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for love stories, Vivi has dedicated herself to the art of wedding photography for over a decade. Her mission is simple yet profound: to document the authentic and emotional moments that make your wedding day truly unique.

A Creative Visionary:

What sets Vivi Lin apart from the rest is her ability to blend creativity and storytelling seamlessly. Her photographs are not just snapshots; they are works of art that tell the story of your love, your journey, and your future together. Vivi's talent lies in capturing those candid, heartfelt moments that often go unnoticed, ensuring that every emotion and every smile is preserved for a lifetime.

Why Choose Vivi Lin as Your Wedding Photographer:

  1. Experience: With years of experience in the field, Vivi Lin has honed her skills to perfection. She knows how to work with different lighting conditions, venues, and even the most camera-shy couples.

  2. Passion: Vivi's passion for wedding photography shines through in every image she captures. She genuinely cares about making your day as memorable as possible, and it's evident in the quality of her work.

  3. Personalized Approach: Vivi takes the time to get to know you and your partner, ensuring that your personalities and preferences are reflected in the photographs. She believes that your love story is unique, and your wedding photos should be too.

  4. Attention to Detail: Vivi is a perfectionist when it comes to her craft. She pays close attention to every detail, from the smallest decorative element to the most important emotional moments.

  5. Artistic Flair: Vivi's creative flair adds an artistic dimension to your wedding photos. Her compositions, use of color, and ability to capture the atmosphere of your day are simply unparalleled.

What Clients Say:

Vivi Lin's portfolio is a testament to her talent. Here are a few words from some of her satisfied clients:

  • "Vivi captured the essence of our love in every photo. We couldn't be happier with the results!" - Sarah & John

  • "Working with Vivi was an absolute pleasure. She made us feel comfortable and natural in front of the camera, and the photos speak for themselves." - Emily & Michael

  • "Vivi's attention to detail is incredible. She didn't miss a single moment, and her photos are a treasure we'll cherish forever." - Lisa & David

Book Vivi Lin for Your Wedding:

If you're ready to make your wedding day even more special, reach out to Vivi Lin today. She's based in San Francisco, but she's available for weddings worldwide. Don't miss the opportunity to have your love story told through the lens of a true artist.

Your wedding day deserves the best, and with Vivi Lin as your photographer, you're guaranteed to have timeless, beautiful memories to cherish for a lifetime. Make your special day truly unforgettable with Vivi Lin's artistic vision and passion for storytelling through photography.





3)男生剪好头发 (两边不遮挡耳朵),如果白头发比较多,建议染一下。













男生🤵‍♂️ 1)上午洗干净头发吹干,保持头发清爽,不油腻


3)胡须剃干净 (尤其是两腮容易被忽略,可以请新娘帮忙检查)





8)比较习惯自己戴眼镜的样子的新郎,可以准备一双无镜片眼镜框(可防止拍照时镜片反光,或者选择的不戴,临时摘下眼镜。 )




1)穿好nubra + 裸色内裤




5)最好出门吃点东西(随身备一点能量棒和糖果,不要带巧克力,以免牙齿被沾上巧克力) 6)服装最好用衣架挂在车后座的把手,切勿揉成一团塞进包里。





作为一生一次极其重要而神圣的ceremony,每位新人都渴望能够牵着心爱的ta的手,步入幸福的婚姻殿堂,顺便留下一组不留遗憾的结婚美照。作为湾区的一名专业婚礼摄影师,我总结了过去多年拍过的新人中比较容易犯的小mistakes,提供了一些good examples 和bad examples和注意事项,希望可以帮到更多的新人朋友。😊




图1 正确演示

2. 两个人站的距离最好不要太远


图2 错误演示

图3 错误演示


3. 牵手的时候,最好是男生的手主动托起女生的手

图4 正确演示 女生主动握住男生手,不算错误演示,但不是最理想^^;;

4.   交换戒指的时候 



图5 错误演示


图6 正确演示

3)左手托住对方的手的时候,注意将对方的中指和无名指放在一起,避免中指对着对方。用右手给对方戴戒指。 将戒指戴在对方的左手无名指上。

图7 正确演示



图6 错误演示 戒指没有和关节平行 正确演示 戒指的两等距,两个戒指对着镜头,清晰可见

5. 最后,牧师会宣布你们是合法夫妻,并说你们可以亲亲,注意,亲亲的时候,两个人互相拥抱之后,最好都闭上眼睛,不要嘟嘴或者接吻的过于深入(如舌吻等。。。)

虽然是个短短几分钟的ceremony,却是人生中极其重要的一个瞬间。大家都是第一次结婚,难免会紧张和缺乏经验,这都非常正常!No worries,希望这篇日志可以帮大家减少失误,顺利收获不留遗憾的婚礼照片。✌️


#旧金山婚礼摄影师 #旧金山市政厅领证结婚 #Sanfranciscocityhallwedding #Vivilinphotography #SF

San Francisco Engagement Photographer: Pier 7 & Crissy field(Golden gate bridge)

I have had the honor to take Kelly and Jim's engagement photos at Pier 7, San Francisco. Kelly teaches at the University that I graduated from. I had a fun and productive day together with the lovely couple. The weather was good and I especially like the sunlight hitting on the bride’s hair.

Outdoor photography during the pandemic is not easy. With full preparation and communication, we pulled it off successfully. I am glad that they love the outcome. And I cannot wait to capture their wedding day in the upcoming August at St. Vincent de Paul Church.

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